
Posts Tagged ‘Free Pictures’

Things I like…

In Funky Sh*t, Uncategorized on December 23, 2009 at 2:15 am

I like printing pictures and putting them on things. I went to Office Max and stunned one of the poor employees by demanding, “I would like the least expensive printer you have!” ( I don’t like beating around the bush) I ended up with a perfectly adequate printer for the job for about 30 bucks. There are sites all over the web with free (or public) domain pictures that you can print without copy write infringement. I have picked a few for you to use their pics for your projects. I am looking for a picture to put on the back of a wooden hand mirror I was given. Here are a few I am considering and their web home.

This is from The Vintage Moth

This fun picture came from Reusable Art

Library of Congress’ Flickr

Playing with psp flickr