
Posts Tagged ‘Do It Yourself’

DIY: Feather Headbands

In Funky Sh*t on November 29, 2009 at 2:42 am

Wow, it has been more than 2 weeks since my last post. Time to find some joy in my life. Feathers are joyful. Feathers on your head are even more joyful. I have seen these headbands all over the place over the last couple of years and have been coveting them. But I am broke and cannot afford one. So, I have searched the web high and low and I would like to share the best tutorial I have found with you…my friends.

These are the headbands I want:

Our friends over at have tons of great how tos. A young woman going by the name of “Pink as a Peach” posted a lovely little tutorial on how to make these head accessories. Now I will follow her lead and make my own!

Click here for the tutorial:

By the way: It helps to watch the movie Tombstone while making your headband. The “ladies of the night”  have a tendency to wear the gaudiest feather hats!